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32 Positive Affirmations to Tell Someone Navigating Recovery

If you or a loved one are struggling with mental health or substance abuse, we can help. You can also look into self-help and support group like Sex Addicts Anonymous or Sexaholics https://soundkey.ru/alkogolizm-priznaki-u-zhenshchin-simptomy-i-stadii-lechitsya-li-zhenskii-alkogolizm/ Anonymous. In addition to having people who understand what you’re going through, they can also point you to mental health professionals trained in dealing with excessive porn use.

positive word for addiction

About 70% percent of people who began using at age 13 have an SUD compared to 27% who started at age 17. Studies show that genetic factors are responsible for 40% to https://www.arcellaschi.com/allroad-touring-enduros/big-allroad-touring-enduros/triumph-tiger-1200xc-explorer/ 60% of the vulnerability to any substance use disorder. If you have a first-degree relative (biological sibling or parent) with SUD, you’re more likely to develop it.


The reality of addiction isn’t limited to an individual’s loss of control over using substances that are ultimately harmful to their well being. These emotions can trigger a desire to use, so having a positive mantra to reinforce the idea that overcoming addiction can eliminate triggers and help individuals to cope through the pull of substance abuse. By giving yourself an optimistic statement to repeat when you start feeling down, you’ll be more likely to overcome negative thoughts. This can enable you to start taking control of your emotions and making positive changes in your life.

Once you have articulated the issue that is worrying you, you can move on to thinking about how this issue will turn out. This is a particularly good tool for talking yourself out of catastrophizing a situation. Enhance wellbeing with these free, science-based exercises that draw on the latest insights from positive psychology. https://abbeyroadbeatlestribute.com/about.html Think about how much you believe the automatic thought now that you’ve come up with an adaptive response, and rate your belief. Determine what emotion(s) you are feeling now and at what intensity you are experiencing them. Next, you have an opportunity to come up with an adaptive response to those thoughts.

Recognizing A Social Media Addiction

This one can be applied to almost any goal you have in your life—from getting into college to being a better parent. It’s important to remind yourself not only that you can do something, but that you are going to do it. Reminding yourself that you can and will achieve your goals will enable you to start taking steps toward doing so. Positive recovery words should incorporate the aspects of yourself that are often forgotten. Find instances when you can reaffirm that a world of possibilities is limitless. It’s hard to come up with a non-negative correspondent to addiction, since the crux of that entire concept is its negative aspect.

It’s in these moments when a few positive affirmations sent from a friend could serve to strengthen their resolve and keep them on the right track. The best recovery mantras are those that you can use to remind yourself that you’re always a work in progress but you’re making big steps toward living a better life. Mantras like, “Live and let live” or “One day at a time”, convey some big ideas in very few words.