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10 Most Important Front-end Developer Interview Questions and Answers

If you want your component to update, return true else return false. An arrow function is a short way of writing a function to React. The above code will yield an input field with the label Name and a submit button. It will also alert the user when the submit button is pressed.

front end developer react js interview questions

Showing your ability to weigh the pros and cons of each approach can demonstrate your critical thinking skills and ability to write maintainable code. A library is a collection of pre-written code that can be reused to perform specific tasks, such as creating user interfaces or handling network requests. A library typically provides a set of functions or classes that can be called by the developer’s code to accomplish a particular task. Libraries are designed to be flexible and can be used in a variety of applications. When building a React application, it’s common to need to respond to user actions such as button clicks, form submissions, and other events. An event handler is a callback function that is attached to an element in the UI, and it’s executed when a specified event occurs.

State some basic design element

Every object has private property linked to another object known as its prototype. A callback function is a function that is passed as an argument to another function and ensures that a function is not going to run before a task is completed. It also assures that the web page is optimized for mobile phone viewing. It would be great if the candidate has the knowledge and experience of working in any of the Content Management Systems like WordPress, Drupal, and Joomla. This is one of the reasons why it is slightly complex to code within the React framework.

front end developer react js interview questions

This allows a developer an incredible amount of flexibility in choosing the architecture they deem “best” — though it also places the responsibility of choosing those parts on the developer. Refs act as an escape hatch to the regular React dataflow of passing props down a component tree. They are used to update the child component without passing in new props. Refsprovide a way to access DOM nodes or React elements created in the render method. SyntheticEventis a cross-browser wrapper around the browser’s native event. It has the same API as its browser’s native counterpart, including methods likestopPropagation()andpreventDefault().

Tell Me About a Time When You Went Above and Beyond Your Normal Job

The flux pattern also enforces data integrity by restricting direct access to the shared data. The strict unidirectional flow of this Flux pattern enforces data stability, reducing data-related runtime https://wizardsdev.com/ errors throughout an application. The following code shows a memoized function using theuseMemohook.useMemowill only recompute the memoized value when one of the dependencies has changed.

  • Similar to hiding and displaying an element, sometimes, we also need to conditionally apply styling to our element.
  • Because under pressure, they’ll probably leave a few things out.
  • Every object has private property linked to another object known as its prototype.
  • Instead, try building one or two really good projects where you get to implement all the concepts of React/HTML/CSS/JavaScript and everything that you’ve been learning.
  • A new developer may not need to be an expert in certain skills if someone on your team takes the time to train them.

React’s render function creates a node tree out of the React components. It then updates this tree in response to the mutations in the data model which is caused by various actions done by the user or by the system. Check out this Web developer course online to learn more about react. React keeps a lightweight representation of the real DOM in the memory, and that is known as the virtual DOM. When the state of an object changes, the virtual DOM changes only that object in the real DOM, rather than updating all the objects.

What is the key difference between Class and Prototype-based inheritance?

They can be in the form of a single value or an object containing a set of values that are passed from a parent component to a child component. It uses pure JavaScript functions that accept props and returns a React element. Higher-Order Components, commonly referred to as HOCs, are pure components Front-end Developer React job in React that wrap other components within them. HOCs are capable of wrapping dynamically provided child components in React. Pure components in React maintain code simplicity and the application’s performance. Pure components in React can replace any component that possesses a render().

front end developer react js interview questions

If you are working on a small project or a project that does not require complex CSS, regular CSS may be sufficient. However, if you’re working on a larger project with many styles, variables, and complex selectors, SCSS/SASS is a better choice to help keep your code organized and maintainable. The event loop continues to execute events from the queue, and once it reaches the “fetch” event, it initiates the network request. The event loop continuously checks for new events in the event queue.

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HOC is a function that accepts a component and returns a new component. These components are also referred to aspure componentsas they accept dynamic child component but doesn’t modify or copy any of the child components. Before we wrap this section up, here are a few other React beginner interview questions you might be asked at your upcoming interview. Asking questions about JSX tests whether or not the candidate can state an informed opinion towards JSX and defend it based on personal experience. By contrast, React focuses exclusively on the creation of components, and has few opinions about an application’s architecture.

Here are React developer interview questions to help find the top developers for your needs. Or, are you a recruiter hunting for exceptionally talented front-end developers? If the answer to at least one of them is yes, you have come to the right place. One of the most valuable aspects of applications built on Flux is that their components become incredibly easy to test. Developers can recreate and test the state of any React component by simply updating the store — direct interactions with the UI are no longer necessary in many cases.

Once you’ve established a candidate’s overall experience with common front-end development concepts, you can start refining questions based on their job level. Here are some common questions and answers for a front-end interview when a candidate has little to no practical experience. These are some common interview questions that any applicant may expect regardless of their credentials. React components pass data from parent components to children components. JSX stands for JavaScript XML and is a React extension which allows writing JavaScript code that looks similar to HTML.

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Posted: Mon, 10 Apr 2023 15:01:05 GMT [source]