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Basic Rules for All Industries Traceability Solutions

This includes traceability as defined in international standards, in legislation, in some dictionaries, and also the most cited standalone definition formulated in a scientific article according to our literature review. For the rest of this article, “traceability” should be understood to have the https://www.globalcloudteam.com/ suffix “as pertaining to food products”. There are many other meanings and applications of the term, including “measurement traceability” and “transaction traceability”, but this article does not attempt to analyze or expand the term “traceability” in contexts other than the one just specified.

definition of horizontal traceability

Vertical traceability demonstrates the consistency of dates, status, and scope requirements between different levels of a schedule—summary, intermediate, and detailed. When schedules are vertically traceable, lower-level schedules are clearly consistent with upper-level schedule milestones, allowing for total schedule integrity and enabling different teams to work to the same schedule expectations. In this way, management can base informed decisions on forecasted dates that are reliably predicted in detailed schedulesthrough network logic and actual progress.In addition, vertical traceability allows managers to understand the effect on key program and G/R milestones if their lower-level activities are delayed. An activity owner should be able to trace activities to higher-level milestones within intermediate and summary schedules. Even though their activities may be rolled into a higher-level milestone,responsible owners should be able to identify when and how their product affectsthe program.All levels of schedule data, from detailed through summary schedules, should be derived from the same IMS. Ideally, the same schedule serves as the summary, intermediate, and detailed schedule by simply creating a summary view filtered on summary activities orhigher-level WBS milestones.


If an organization wants to establish traceability to NIST at other values of voltage, it must develop an interpolation or extrapolation procedure and a protocol for doing this. The resulting statement of traceability must incorporate these additional uncertainties, which must again be realistic and within expected norms. When data are evaluated, the scientific basis for such evaluation is well documented and the data are labeled as NIST Standard Reference Data. The suitability of using these data as “stated references” depends on the type of collection (Standard Reference Data, values of physical constants, etc.), the date of the most recent evaluation or compilation, and the direct relevance of the data to the physical measurement for which traceability is needed.

definition of horizontal traceability

Many companies have chosen a best-of-breed approach with task management, code management and numerous test automation tools. Companies that choose a best-of-breed approach solve the traceability challenge with requirements management (RM) tools that provide a complete traceability model and integrations for the best of breed tools. A single ALM tool to cover requirements, risk analysis, system design, task management, code repositories, integration, testing and more is a classic trade-off between best-of-breed capabilities vs. a more limited feature, common platform. The consensus value may be construed as the output quantity in a measurement model as defined in the GUM [22, Equation (1)], the measurement results produced by the participants as the inputs, and the data reduction procedure that produces the consensus value as the function that maps inputs to the output, in that same model. Since this function and the inputs determine the output, and the inputs are traceable, then according to the answer to Question 5.2.5 the consensus value will be traceable as well. If it is intended that the consensus value output of an interlaboratory study be traceable, then the protocols and reporting requirements of the study must be designed such that all the supporting evidence for the traceability of the inputs is documented as listed in the answer to Question 5.2.1 is provided.

thoughts on “Horizontal traceability”

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘trace.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. To ease the creation of traceability matrices, it is advisable to add the relationships to the source documents for both backward and forward traceability.[5] That way, when an item is changed in one baselined document, it is easy to see what needs to be changed in the other. Common usage is to take the identifier for each of the items of one document and place them in the left column.

  • Where traceability has been closely adhered to, it is possible to identify, by precise date/time & exact location which goods must be recalled, and which are safe, potentially saving millions of dollars in the recall process.
  • ► These definitions do not match the functionality and content of traceability systems as described in many articles.
  • Such evidence may include comparable claims of calibration and measurement capabilities of the NMIs for a particular measurement or calibration service, coupled with satisfactory performance on a key comparison of the same measurement or standard by each of the NMIs.
  • The new SI makes realizations of the unit of mass and of convenient sub-multiples of it readily accessible in the laboratory and on the factory floor, via the Kibble balance [31].
  • For example, the Mohs hardness of a mineral [29, Chapter 2], or the strength of a hurricane according to the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale.

In many countries, national standards for weights and measures are maintained by a National Metrological Institute (NMI) which provides the highest level of standards for the calibration / measurement traceability infrastructure in that country. Examples of government agencies include the National Physical Laboratory, UK (NPL) the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in the USA, the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) in Germany, and the Instituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica (INRiM) in Italy. As defined by NIST, “Traceability of measurement requires the establishment of an unbroken chain of comparisons to stated references each with a stated uncertainty.” It is important to note that traceability is the property of the result of a measurement, not of an instrument or calibration report or laboratory. It is not achieved by following any one particular procedure or using particular equipment.

ViewpointHow to define traceability

The values of nominal properties can be compared only by establishing equality or difference. For example,a chemical element either is or is not an alkali metal; a specific tiger has the same defining traits as other tigers, and these traits differentiate all tigers from animals of other species in the genus Panthera. The conventional position has been to say that counts are traceable to the unit 1, which is the neutral element in the SI. Referring to counts, and somewhat cryptically, the 9th edition of the SI Brochure (§2.3.3) states that “formal traceability to the SI can be established through appropriate, validated measurement procedures” [26]. No reference shall be made to NIST or to reports or results furnished by NIST in any advertising or sales promotion, which would indicate or imply that NIST approves, recommends, or endorses any product or proprietary material, or whose purpose is to promote the use or purchase of an advertised product owing to NIST test reports or results.

definition of horizontal traceability

The mutual recognition of calibration and measurement certificates requires that each NMI participate regularly in the activities of the International Bureau of Weights and Measures (BIPM) (including key measurement comparisons) and have a suitable way of assuring quality in the results of its measurement services. No, laboratory accreditation, whether conducted by NIST/NVLAP or any other recognized accreditation body, is a finding of a laboratory’s competence and capability to provide technically sound and appropriate measurement services within their scope of accreditation. Embedded in the process is an horizontal traceability evaluation of the lab’s ability to achieve and maintain traceability for the accredited services. The international standards organization EPCglobal under GS1 has ratified the EPCglobal Network standards (especially the EPC Information Services EPCIS standard) which codify the syntax and semantics for supply chain events and the secure method for selectively sharing supply chain events with trading partners. These standards for traceability have been used in successful deployments in many industries and there are now a wide range of products that are certified as being compatible with these standards.

Verifying That the Schedule Can Be Traced Horizontally and Vertically

Serial numbers for individual identification (such as 2D codes) are marked on each tool to manage their conditions, including usage and wear limits. As the entire flow, warehoused tools and other parts are marked with management 2D codes and assigned information such as plant names, shelf numbers, and serial numbers to manage put-out and return. Other information such as the count and date/time of grinding is collected and managed to maintain and stabilize product quality. The end-user of the result of a measurement, and conformity assessment bodies are responsible for assessing the validity of a claim of traceability. However, as explained in the answer to Question 5.1.6 above, the provider is responsible for providing the necessary information that the user assesses. An internal measurement assurance program may be very simple or rather complex, the level or rigor to be determined depending on the level of uncertainty at issue and what is needed to demonstrate its credibility.

For example, prior to the redefinition, the international prototype of the kilogram (IPK) was used only once every 50 years, which made it difficult for the BIPM (“Bureau International des Poids et Mesures”, or International Bureau of Weights and Measures) to maintain traceability of its working mass standards to the kilogram [30]. Also, establishing traceability for mass standards with masses much smaller than 1 kg required a chain of multiple calibrations, whose uncertainty increased in proportion to the number of mass comparisons involved. The new SI makes realizations of the unit of mass and of convenient sub-multiples of it readily accessible in the laboratory and on the factory floor, via the Kibble balance [31]. Is to provide support for the claim of traceability of a particular measurement result. Messages and files at any point in the system can then be audited for correctness and completeness, using the traceability software to find the particular transaction and/or product within the supply chain. Requirements traceability is a sub-discipline of requirements management within software development and systems engineering.

Tool-supported traceability

The same as with SRMs, Question 5.4.4, the purchase and use of an NTRM does not automatically make the customer’s measurement results traceable to reference standards developed and maintained by NIST. However, NTRMs can be used to make a claim of traceability to NIST in the same manner as SRMs, with reference to the certified values and uncertainties on an NTRM Certificate of Analysis. NIST provides a range of products and measurement services in support of customers seeking to establish traceability of their measurement results.

These include instrument calibrations, Standard Reference Materials (SRMs), Standard Reference Instruments (SRIs), and under certain circumstances Standard Reference Data (SRD) (refer to Question 5.4.6). NIST also provides measurement services to State and local governments responsible for marketplace transactions that involve measurements (weights and measures). As previously stated, laboratory accreditation, whether conducted by NVLAP or any other recognized accreditation body, is a finding of a laboratory’s competence and capability to provide technically sound and appropriate measurement services within their scope of accreditation. All calibration and test reports must declare the source of traceability and it is the responsibility of the user to determine which source is suitable for its needs.

Finding trouble while taking reference while creating new schedule? Here is the report which can help you.

For example assume we want to implement a login function in four different types of browsers. If any change in requirement happens, then it needs to be reflected across all the four browsers. These kind of dependent requirements are easily traceable if horizontal traceability is marked among them. To make it more clear horizontal traceability is a sibling kind of relationship while vertical traceability can be treated as parent-child relationship. The results of the key measurement comparisons and specific statements of the calibration and measurement capabilities (CMCs) of each signatory NMI are entered in an MRA database originally developed by NIST and now maintained by the Bureau of International Weights and Measures at the Key Comparison Database. Calibration laboratories and testing facilities may be accredited by the National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP), which is administered by NIST.